PKU First Hospital - China Telecom "Intelligent Computing Joint Lab" Settles at Daxing Campus
On the afternoon of March 22nd, the "Peking University First Hospital - China Telecom Inte…
April 08-2024 -
Singapore Nursing Delegation Visits Peking University Third Hospital
On the afternoon of March 19, 2024, Professor Lin Ruixia, former president of the Singapor…
April 08-2024 -
PKU China Center for Health Development Studies Signs LoC with Myanmar Ministry of Health
Recently Peking University Chinas Center for Health Development Studies reached an agreeme…
March 27-2024 -
The JCFIDA Delegation Led by Mr. Shigenobu Sakashita Visits PKUTH
On the morning of March 7, 2024, accompanied by Zicai Chair Professor Wang Wan from PKU Sc…
March 20-2024 -
PKUFH and Macau CHCSJ Hold the First Joint Internal Medicine Grand Round
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Macau's return to China. On the afternoon of Febru…
March 20-2024 -
First Batch of Students from PKUHSC-MPUNA Arrive to Register
On March 1st, the first batch of seventy-seven students from Peking University Health Scie…
March 14-2024 -
Kuwait Medical Delegation Visits PKUHSC
On February 29, 2024, Dr. ADEL KHADER ABDULLA AYED, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine…
March 12-2024 -
PKU Intestinal Microbiology Research Team Selected into “Top 10 Advances in Life Sciences in China”
On February 29, 2024, China Union of Life Science Societies (CULSS) announced the "Top 10…
March 12-2024 -
Academician Huang Xiaojun Honored with the Distinguished Service Award by CIBMTR
On February 23rd, the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplantation Research (…
March 07-2024 -
Macau Science and Technology Development Fund and Polytechnic University Delegation Visit PKUHSC
On January 24, 2024, a delegation led by Xie Yongqiang, Chairman of the Administrative Com…
February 26-2024 -
Qiao Jie Leads a Delegation to Two "Belt and Road" Countries in the Middle East
From January 25th to 31st, Academician Qiao Jie, Executive Vice President of PKU and Presi…
February 26-2024 -
PKUTH Reproductive Medicine Achievement Selected Top Ten Global Innovation Foci By The Innovation
On January 4, 2024, The Innovation announced the Top Ten Global Science and Technology Inn…
January 12-2024 -
Overseas Graduates Praise EMPH program
The Executive Master of Public Health Program (EMPH) of Peking University School of Public…
January 04-2024 -
Delegation from McGill University in Canada Visits PKU Third Hospital Department of Endocrinology
On the afternoon of December 4, 2023, a delegation of 3 people, including Professor José…
December 26-2023 -
Ma Yinghua Attends the Meeting with Yang Xinyu, Ambassador Level Rep of China to UNESCO
On December 7, 2023, Yang Xinyu, the Chinese Ambassador Level Representative to UNESCO, le…
December 26-2023 -
PKU School of Stomatology Professor Zheng Shuguo Makes a Keynote Speech at ACDOM 2023
On December 8-11, 2023, as our country’s chief representative, Professor Zheng Shuguo from…
December 21-2023 -
2023 PKU-MPU International Nursing Education Forum Held
On December 2, 2023, the “2023 Peking University-Macau Polytechnic University Internationa…
December 21-2023 -
PKU Hosts International Symposium on Quality Primary Health Care Development
The International Symposium on Quality Primary Health Care Development organized by Peking…
December 18-2023 -
PKU Medicine Broke Ground on New Campus
Peking University saw the cornerstone of its new medical campus laid in a grand ceremony i…
December 18-2023 -
A Delegation of PKU Hospital and School of Stomatology Led by Deng Xuliang Visits Japan
From November 20th to 23rd, 2023, President of Peking University Hospital and School of St…
December 06-2023