Home» News&Events» News» China Internet Hospital Consortium Established with PKU Third Hospital as the Director Unit

China Internet Hospital Consortium Established with PKU Third Hospital as the Director Unit


  On June 1, 2024, with the focus on the management innovation and practice of Internet hospitals, uniting experts in various fields of the Internet medical industry, the China Internet Hospital Consortium (CIHC) was established under the guidance of the Chinese Hospital Association. The launch ceremony and the first Internet Hospital Consortium Forum were held in Chengdu. Peking University Third Hospital (PKUTH) is the director unit.

  The CIHC will be committed to coordinated development, common progress, sharing management experience, innovating service models, exploring pre-cooperation, promoting quality control and training, and promoting academic and cultural exchanges.


  Written by: Lang Lang

  Edited by: Liu Xin

  Source: PKUTH